Mt. Victoria or Chin State
the independent day, it was known as the Chin hill division and
on the January 1979, it was named as Chin State. There are 51
tribes under Chin groups. The Chin believed that they migrated
from China. They were one of the races of Chinese dynasty. Their
royal race fails the battle in China. So they transferred the
China to the Chin hill. The Chin began from Tibet-Myanmar branch
of Mongoloid.
State is wide 18,907 sq miles. There are 9 townships and 476
villages tracts in the Chin state. It has many hills and
mountains. The plane is very few. The rivers are flowing from
north to south. The most important river is "Chindwin" in this
region. The most famous mountain is "Victoria". It has over
10,400 feet high. The average height of the mountain is between
5,000 ft and 9,000 ft. Chin state is hilly region. So the
weather is cold and damp. The temperature is 70°F in summer and
35°F in winter. Most of the time, it waves the mists. Chin hill
is very beautiful hill in Myanmar because it has many beautiful
flowers, plants, water-falls, forest, precious trees. There are
many various trees growing in the Chin state.
has a population of 318,112 in 1973. 99percent of the population
is the "Nat" believers. The second rate is the Christian. Few of
them are Buddhism. Some pray the sun, moon, big mountain and
sacrificed animals. For their farming work, they do worshipping
spirits to be successful for their farming. They believe if
someone dies, it is the punishment the spirits. If someone dies,
they keep the dead body from one day to tea days. When they
worship their spirits, they sacrifice pig, chicken, cow and dog.
marriage custom is come from their national custom. The various
Chin races follow their "grandpas" custom. Some make at the
bride's house. It is their custom to choose a headman from the
same family. They have no own literature. But the builder of the
religion invented their alphabets. There are different spoken
languages in many villages.
wear "Thin-Dying" or long dress, all men use to wear the"turban"
round their heads. There are three parts of agriculture. They
are farming, kine and garden agriculture. The most agriculture
system is step by step the hill side cultivation. They grow
apples, orange and mountain crops in their big garden. They also
do livestock. The most important animals are cows. They are deep
concerned in hunting. They keep goats, cow, pigs and chickens in
their houses.
home industries are the weaving. It is called "Jart-khote". Some
are cutting-wood and the hunting animals. Some earn their living
as the blacksmith, pottery, basket and mat weavers, salt maker
and weaving. At the entrance of a village, they keep a stone
pillar used as the commemorated place of dead persons. Their
famous festivals are "Khwar-Do" and new crop feeding. Khwar-Do
festival is celebrated for three days. Their famous dance is
"salam". When they dance, their musical instruments are the
drum, the horn of cows and buffalos and gaungs. They dance
joying with one male after one female by the hands holding. Some
are dancing by holding the knife. They also celebrated dancing
cultivations periods and at ceremonaries. It has only the water
power, so it cannot be produced the gas. The main power is the
water power.
The place is quiet. They are living lovingly, peacefully and
joyously. The Chin national day is 20th February. Their flag's
record make is "Hornbill" bird. It is a sincere, deep promised
and good sign. Now, the government is supporting the Chin hill
according to the border area development project. So you can
visit to the Chin hill. You can see its lovely nature and way of